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Will the Council help pay for my Trees?

Planting native trees is a fantastic way to contribute to the environment, and many councils are eager to support these efforts, especially when it involves retiring non-suitable farmland. But how do you know if your local council will help fund your project? 

Council Support for Tree Planting

Councils are generally very supportive of planting native trees, particularly in areas where farming land is being retired. This initiative helps restore natural habitats and improve biodiversity. However, each council operates differently, and the level of support can vary based on location, budgets, and specific programs in place.

In the Waikato region, we are fortunate to have a network of dedicated Catchment Officers who work closely with landowners to develop long-term plans for land management and reforestation. These officers can provide guidance and support tailored to your specific catchment area.

Factors Affecting Support

Catchment Area: Depending on your catchment area, there is a designated officer who can assist you. These officers are knowledgeable about the specific needs and opportunities within their regions.

Budget Variations: The amount of support available can vary from year to year based on the council’s budget. It's essential to stay informed about current funding opportunities.

Location Differences: Different areas within the Waikato may have different levels of support and resources available. 

How to Get Started

Contact Us: Reach out to us, and we can connect you with the appropriate local council representative for your area.

Prepare Your Proposal: We’ll help you gather all the necessary information and recommendations to present to the council. This preparation makes it easier for the council to understand and support your project.

Work with Your Catchment Officer: Collaborate with your designated Catchment Officer to develop a comprehensive long-term plan for retiring farmland and planting native trees.

Get in touch with us to start the process and make your vision a reality!


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