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How long will it take to plant my plants?

A common question we get is, "How long will it take me to plant trees?" The answer depends on a few factors, including your physical fitness, the tools you use, and the nature of your site. Here’s a breakdown to help you estimate the time and effort involved. 

Factors to Consider

Physical Effort: Your level of fitness and willingness to exert yourself play a significant role. Planting trees can be physically demanding, so be prepared to work up a sweat.

Site Conditions: The ease of planting depends on the terrain and soil conditions. Rocky or compacted soil can slow you down, while soft, loamy soil will make the job easier.

Tools: The type of tools you use greatly impacts planting speed. An auger can significantly speed up the process compared to using a spade.

Our Experience

Our experienced team can plant 300-400 plants per person each day using an auger. This method allows us to dig holes quickly and efficiently, simply dropping the plant in and pressing it firmly. However, we understand that not everyone has access to an auger or the experience of planting day in and day out. 

What You Can Expect

For the average semi-fit person using a spade, you can expect to plant between 100 and 200 standard grade plants in a day. This estimate assumes you are in good health, willing to work hard, and have relatively easy site conditions.

Tips for Efficient Planting

  • Use an Auger: If possible, consider renting or borrowing an auger to make the process quicker and easier.

  • Stay Hydrated: Planting trees is hard work, so make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

  • Take Breaks: Regular breaks will help you maintain your energy and prevent injury.

  • Work in Teams: If you can, work with a partner or group to increase efficiency and make the work more enjoyable.

Planting trees is a rewarding but physically demanding task. With the right preparation and tools, you can make the process more manageable. Aim for 100-200 plants per day if you're using a spade and working solo. Remember, the effort you put in not only benefits the environment but also gives you a sense of accomplishment seeing those new plants in the ground. Happy planting!


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