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Do I really need to Release Spray?

The question of whether or not to release spray is a topic of much debate among those involved in planting native species. Our stance is clear - most plants benefit significantly from release spraying, though the necessity can vary depending on the site and the species you’re planting.

Why Release Spraying Matters

Release spraying involves applying herbicides around your newly planted trees to control competing vegetation, primarily grasses. Here’s why we advocate for this practice:

  • Enhanced Plant Survival: Release spraying drastically improves the survival rates of your plants by reducing competition for light, water, and nutrients.

  • Site-Specific Benefits: While some species like Mānuka and Kānuka can compete through the grass due to their fine leaves and woody stems, others, especially softer-stemmed species like Karamū, struggle when overtaken by grass. These plants can be dragged into the ground, starved of light, and ultimately die.

Species Considerations

Mānuka and Kānuka: These hardy plants can often push through competing grass, making them less dependent on release spraying.

Karamū and Similar Species: Softer-stemmed species are more vulnerable to being swamped by grass, making release spraying crucial for their survival.

Financial Considerations

  • Budget Constraints: We understand that budget can be a limiting factor. While release spraying adds to the initial cost, it can save money in the long run by reducing plant mortality and the need for replanting.

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Investing in release spraying can be one of the most impactful steps for ensuring the success of your planting efforts. The cost of the spray can be justified by the increased survival rates and healthier plant growth.


Timing is Key

A well-timed release spray, applied before your plants are covered by grass, can make a substantial difference. The goal is to prevent grass from overtaking your young plants, allowing them to establish and grow without intense competition.

While it’s possible to get by without release spraying in some situations, we strongly recommend it for most planting projects. The benefits to plant survival and health are significant, making it a worthwhile investment. Proper site preparation, quality plants, and effective planting techniques combined with strategic release spraying offer the best chances for a successful, thriving native ecosystem.


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